Eye on Sports

Monday, October 17, 2005

When and WHY did you start supporting your favorite club?

Ok, all you four people who read this sparcely updated sports blog. I wanna know this:

When and WHY did you start supporting your favorite club?

No shirking now. No lies, no made-up romanticized stories. I want the TRUTH. If you're a bandwagonist who supports a team because they happen to be the team who keeps winning right now, I wanna know.

Me, I started supporting Liverpool ever since I watched the first English football match I'd ever watched, which was the FA Cup Final between Liverpool and Manure. The Mancs won that day, and I HATED the sight of Cantona, so I decided to support Liverpool from then on.

Plus I kinda thought Steve McManaman was pretty cool back then. Before he ran away to Real Madrid.

Right now, I still support them. Best moment ever? last years Champion's League Final, what else? Why I still them even though they're broke, have not won the league for AGES, and still appear to be playing CRAP even with some good players and a damn good coach?

It's passion babeh. Passion of belonging to a club, of supporting a club because you genuinely like it. But exactly WHY so much passion for a club that I have not even SEEN? Donno. Maybe it's the feeling of belonging to a group of people and a club, with so many friends supporting the same thing.

It's not just the football per se. It's the whole social culture! It gives me somethign to talk about when I'm with other guys. And it gives me a sense of belonging. (sad, I know). Sigh...

Anyway, I'm not saying anyone here is a bandwagonist fan, but GODDAMN I hate those. Any around here?

PS: How did this post come about? Lets just say I met a bandwagonist who pissed me off somewhat...

Complain to the referee here! => |